Russian Brides

среда, 25 марта 2009 г.

Why Don't Men Call?

We often ask ourselves, why don't men call when they say they will? If the guy you really like has not called you in days and is not returning your phone calls and text messages, you may be wondering why men don't call women they date after a fantastic date or even a series of dates.

It could be very frustrating to realize that that guy you've been waiting to hear from is not calling you. Another day goes by and still no call. What should you do? Should you still wait for him to call or give up? Should you call him again and ask what's going on? Is he going to call you?

The kind of "mixed signals" that men sometimes give us are very frustrating and disappointing. Why did he say he'd call just to raise my hopes up? If he was not going to call me, then why did he say he would?

Why don't men call is a question that we ask most frequently in the beginning of a relationship when nothing is clear and we don't yet know where the relationship is headed. But it is not uncommon for a full-blown relationship to end with a question, why don't men call?

When a man decides to end a relationship, he'll try to seize all contact. Men avoid confrontation and frequently the answer to the question why don't men call can easily be explained. If he doesn't call, provided there was no fight or argument preceding his disappearance, you may read his silence as a subtle indication that he doesn't want to ever call you again.

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