Russian Brides

среда, 25 марта 2009 г.

You're in the 21st Century Now

Your grandparents and, maybe even your parents, may remember how dating used to be years ago. There was probably a movie, dinner maybe, and a walk in the park, picnics, or just sitting in the swing on the front porch. You can't forget about parking, either, even though they may not admit to doing that to you. It was a simple time. There were rules to dating. The guy did the calling, the asking, and the paying. As women came into their own sort of independence, it was not unusual for the woman to call, ask, and even pay for the evening out.

So many things have changed since that time. It actually began during the later part of the 20th century with the introduction of home computers and chat rooms. Many couples met in these chat rooms. They first spent time talking and getting to know each other. An exchange of phone numbers usually came next. If things went well, they normally set up a face to face meeting. At this point in time, this was considered a high tech date.

As the 21st century was ushered in, online dating sites started popping up all over the Internet. Some of these are wonderful for meeting someone with common interests. The best ones tend to do all they can to insure the safety of their members. Many go so far as to perform background checks of prospective members before accepting them into the site. These sites are also the ones that will most likely charge a fee to join, but members feel it's worth the price. Once they are members, they are allowed to use the site's many features. There are typically on site chats, web cam chats, personal email through the site, photos of the members, and a profile of each member. These are the special features that members can take part in.

Online dating also takes another turn. Many people who have met online and are conducting long distance relationships will also have "dates" on the internet. These are just as special to these couples as any other "normal" date would be. They each spend some time getting ready so that they look nice before sitting down at the computer. At the appointed time, they turn on their web cameras so they can see each other. Thus, the date begins. They may even share a meal by planning ahead of time and eating their dinner together at their computers. It's also possible to watch a movie together online. For whatever reason, this form of dating actually works when there is really no other alternative.

With the prices of the 21st century being so high, it's quite common for couples to share the expenses of the date. A single movie ticket now can cost $10 or more. Add another ticket, 2 drinks and 2 boxes of popcorn, and you could very easily have a $50 date just at the movies. There's nothing wrong with going "Dutch." Otherwise, you may never date.

There may be a lot to be said for the 21st century, but, at times, you may also wish for the simpler days of 20th century dating.

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