Russian Brides

понедельник, 6 апреля 2009 г.

Dating Advice For the Young and Old

The times that we are living in are so much troubled we have seen a lot of divorce, separation, continual heart breaks that have brought so much heart aches to the people of this world. Is it dating that is the root problem of relationships break up?

I ask myself a question of what has gone wrong with our dating system. How come there is so much separation and divorce now that there was years ago? Children are having their parents changed every time and they have lost the sense of knowing what it means to belong to a family.

Let's look at history, a man used to look for a woman to marry when he came to the right age, and there was some help available for him in the form of parents and relatives who helped him make an informed choice for his date. We seem to have lost this and everything is done in a hurry now.

The woman at the same time also got a lot of help from well wishers just like the man. But what the woman was looking for was different to the man. The woman was expecting to have a macho man who would protect her and her children at all time, whether it meant him hunting, fishing, fighting a lion that has come to his home, and above all else love, was he worth leaving the comfort of your father's house for.

Still the process of choosing a date has not changed up to today what has changed is the times and mixture of different cultures and beliefs. But when we analyze it all dating is the same from whatever culture you are coming from. Still women are looking for the same things in a man and men the same in a woman. So what has gone wrong?

Civilization and technology has changed and has come with a lot of help for those things that were done manually years ago are now being done for us. Which leaves us with a lot of time for the very things that we are supposed to do? But unfortunately it is not working like that.

Here is what I mean; men have now taken technology as their companion instead of the woman. Women are doing the same as well. We are now relying on the technology to solve our problems and in that process we are creating more problems.

Let me explain this a bit more, have you found yourself thinking about that PSP game you bought yesterday and how you are going to beat a certain level before such a time and you totally forget about the woman and children in your life by the time you realize it is bed time everyone has already gone to sleep. By morning it's hurry and bustle, for work and all other thing's we have to do we never get to talk or build that relationship at hand.

Now we find men and women are going on a date with technology and when the physical relationships fail we start to wonder why? Our physical relationships begin to suffer more dating fails as friendship has lost its place in our lives.

I would like to bring to your attention that as much as technology has helped our lives to simplify it let us not forget the most important aspects of our lives that which we did not create, but was created for us to share the most important gift we have loved.

It is not difficult to find true love but it takes some work from that one who is hungry for it. Let's start building our relationships again. It all start's with a dating and appreciating what we have at hand.

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