Russian Brides

понедельник, 6 апреля 2009 г.

Make Him Wait For Sex Or Not - That is the Question!

Have you been seeing a new guy regularly but are considering making him wait for sex? Are you worried about how sex can affect the outcome of your relationship? Do you want to know exactly how long before you agree to take your relationship to the next and more intimate level? There is no doubt that sex plays a very big role in any relationship. In fact, not only does it bring together men and women but it can also be what eventually tears him apart. If you are planning to make your boyfriend wait for sex but are not sure as to how long, then you might learn a thing or two from this article.

We are now living in a modern society so waiting until marriage to have sex is not that big of an issue anymore-unless you grew up in a really really conservative family. Another good thing about our modern times is that women are becoming more and more free to explore and enjoy their sexuality up to a level that used to be reserved for men.

However, this does not mean that you should go and sleep with a guy you like on the first, the second or even the third date. That is, if you're serious about starting a relationship with him. If it's just a fling and you don't really see the two of you getting serious, then there's no reason why you have to wait for sex. However, if you're thinking that he might be The One, then some holding out would do you both some good.

Generally, it is good advice not to have sex with your partner until you have finally measured his true intentions. Has he been pressuring you to have sex ever since your first date, or does he actually applaud you for not being an easy woman? If you notice that the two of you are finding a lot of non-sexual activities to enjoy, and that he sincerely encourages you to wait as long as you want, then you may have found a keeper.

Of course, there is also nothing wrong about waiting for sex until your honeymoon, but sleeping together at some point before actually helps you figure if you make a good couple in bed.

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