Russian Brides

вторник, 27 октября 2009 г.

How to Approach Women Without Digging Yourself a Hole!

Approaching women shouldn't be a stressful encounter. Yet for most, it turns out to be the hardest interaction to accomplish. The following is a list of tips on how to approach women with confidence and not come off as being desperate or insincere.

Be Polite- Make sure to mind your manners by being overall polite. Not so polite that you come off as a cheesy car salesman, but sincere politeness. Don't try to come up with any pickup lines that you've heard off of a movie either.

There's no quicker way out of an interaction than by having her roll her eyes at a lame line and walk away. A pleasant smile is the quickest form of politeness and it usually causes a smile in return.

Initiate Conversation - Making conversation is the best way to initiate an interaction with a woman. Try to come up with something other than the small talk exchanged with the cab driver; "The weather's nice today." or "How 'bout that game last night?". You'll have to come up with something much more intriguing than that, unless you're in a sports bar, then small talk about last night's game just might develop into a more meaningful conversation. A simple "Hello. How are you?" can be enough segue to break the initial ice.

Make Eye Contact - Making eye contact is important; too little can make a person seem shady and too much can be rather creepy. There needs to be that happy medium, until you figure out what the comfortable limit is. Many times, eye contact is what brought you to approach this woman in the first place. Make sure to have good eye contact when conversing, but don't stare her down. Some people feel strong eye contact makes them seem alluring, when it really comes off as being too forward. Having too little eye contact will make you seem shy and that you lack confidence. It's better to start with too little at first and then increase the amount of eye contact later.

Be Chivalrous - Even though it is no longer medieval times, chivalry isn't dead. There are still women who find it a pleasant surprise that the door is opened for her, or a seat offered to her. Try it on for size and exude some of this courteous behavior, you might be surprised at the response you receive.

With the above tips in mind, trying to approach women shouldn't be as difficult now. It might take a bit of trial and error, but it can be done!

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