Russian Brides

понедельник, 23 ноября 2009 г.

10 Things a Man Should Do on the First Date

We all know that first impressions count and none more so than on the first date. You've already done the hardest part by asking her out on a date, the last thing you want to do is to waste that effort. Here's a short checklist to help you put your best foot forward.

1. Shower.
Women are clean creatures. No matter what job you do, make sure that you present yourself clean on the first date. It's true that many women, myself included, love the look of a sweaty, shiny fireman or gym instructor, but not if we have to sit next to them and smell them for two hours over dinner. Also, go lightly on the cologne. Some men think that doubling the cologne with double the attractiveness of the scent. Wrong. I recommend a couple of sprays- one on your neck and one on your chest before you put on your shirt. This way your scent is mild and she will be close enough to smell it without being overpowered.

2. Prepare some conversation.
It's important on your first date that you have things to talk about. Take the time to think about witty ways to answer the standard questions to answer questions about your job, family etc. It always helps if you can inject a little mystery and humour.

3. Arrive on time.
It's common courtesy to be punctual. It's better to arrive early to give yourself time to have a short stroll or a coffee rather than to be late and flustered. Arriving late also shows her that you don't value her time and there is nothing worse than being covered in sweat from your run from the subway.

4. Be a gentleman.
Make sure you open all doors and let your date enter first. It's just good manners. So often I have dated guys who have entered a venue first and sat down at the bar only to realise that I am still stuck outside!

5. Be polite to the waiter/ waitress.
Make sure you pick up the bill and tip appropriately. Never use a discount voucher! If she's not worth paying full price for then you shouldn't be on a date with her.

6. Maintain eye contact.
Your date might be wearing a low cut top or a necklace that dangles over her chest but it's so important that your eyes do not go wandering. Get caught staring at her cleavage and she will think you only care about getting her in the sack.

7. Give her compliments.
Try to be as sincere as possible. It helps also to be different to most guys who can only compliment a woman on her looks. For example you could tell her how cute her laugh is, how passionate she is about her hobbies/ life/job or compliment a particular piece of jewellery she is wearing. This shows her that you pay attention and often gives you a conversation starter.

8. Listen to what she has to say.
Women love to talk and it's so important that you are able to listen. Make sure your date knows you are listening by giving little nods and occasionally paraphrasing and asking questions.

9. Be positive.
There is nothing more unattractive than a whinger.

10. Enjoy yourself.
Have fun spending time getting to know someone new. Every encounter is a potential friendship.

Good luck with your next first date!

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