Russian Brides

среда, 4 ноября 2009 г.

Clever Ways to Make a Woman FALL For YOU

Now, don't let the title fool you, this is not about fooling women or trying to "trick" them into wanting you. This is about thinking outside of the box a little when it comes to pursuing and dating women. If you truly want to be a success with women, you CANNOT approach women the SAME way as every other guy does. You have to be able to stand out in some way. Otherwise, you are not going to be able to get the attention of beautiful women.

So, what are some CLEVER ways to make a woman fall for YOU?

1. Take her somewhere she is NOT expecting to go. The dinner and a movie thing has been done to death. And going out to a club or a bar with her might be fun, but again, this is just something that she could easily do with her girlfriends. Find a spot that will surprise her. If she is in to the outdoors kind of thing, take her for a hike somewhere. If she's into sports, take her to a driving range to hit golf balls. Then get behind her to show her how to swing the clubs.

2. Put her on her toes. What I mean by this, is most guys tip toe around a woman, hoping that they do not say or do the wrong thing. As a result, they end up BORING. Instead, put her on her toes by being yourself and challenging her a little bit. Most of the time women do NOT expect this and when they get this kind of treatment, it's a welcome change to the way most men make their moves.

3. Surprise HER. When you do have something special planned for her, make it a surprise. Do your best to keep it from her so that you catch her completely off guard. When you can do these kinds of things for a woman, you make her see YOU as the kind of guy that she wants to be with.

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