Russian Brides

понедельник, 9 ноября 2009 г.

Dating Profile Help - 4 Tips For a Better Profile

These dating profile help tips were developed via lots of experimentation with my online dating profiles. I've realized that you need to stand out in order to be really successful at online dating. Also, the quality of your profile will determine how successful you are at online dating. If your profile is not good, you will have trouble getting dates no matter how good your pictures/messages are.

Now, onto the 4 dating profile help tips:

1.) Lots of pictures showing the "best you": I recommend posting many photos (around 8-10 is good) of you doing all of the things that you're truly passionate about. Make sure you come off as a happy guy that has a lot going for him. Your main picture should have you smiling and showing your face clearly. All of the pictures should work to help you look more attractive to the women browsing. They should have you laughing/smiling, being in social situations, playing sports, traveling, etc. Avoid shirtless pics unless they help you highlight one of the previously mentioned activities. I.e. avoid shirtless pics in front of the mirror, but a pic of you shirtless on the beach playing volleyball it OK.

2.) Profile content: Make sure you are 100% honest about your height. Lying here will come back to bite you in the butt later on. List a bunch of interests as most online dating websites use the interests to give you "interest matches". If you're just looking to hook up, and aren't serious about finding a relationship I'd recommend the setting of "dating" or "hang out" in the "looking for" section. That leaves things open enough that you could date casually, or go into a relationship if it is appropriate.

3.) "About me" section: I recommend having it short and sweet. I have had the best response ratios when this section was 250-300 words in length. I write the things that I am passionate about, as well as high value qualities that I possess. Tweaking this section is the most important part of the dating profile help tips. For this section I usually leave off a couple of interesting things about me that I can mention later on in messages or when we meet in person. I like to throw a couple of qualifying questions in the about me section. I found that a couple of lines like, "I really enjoy traveling, and have been to Panama, Colombia, and Venezuela. Are you a person that likes to travel?" works really well.

4.) Another good line to throw into your about me section is something along the lines of "I find active women very sexy and am looking for someone who has more going for them than their looks". That is a good way to get the more attractive girls interested because you're letting them know that they'll have to work for your affection. It also shows the less attractive girls that you're not basing your dating life solely on looks. So it's a win-win line to have in your profile.

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