Russian Brides

воскресенье, 22 ноября 2009 г.

Flirting Tips For Men - How to Flirt With a Woman

When I get the chance to talk with men and what areas of dating they find the most puzzling, the topic of flirting with women is usually pretty high on the list. And the reasons for this are pretty obvious. Men and women can be very different and the ways that they communicate and what they respond to are also very different. So, many times, the flirting signals get crossed when men and women interact.

Here's a flirting tips for men that will help YOU to flirt with a woman:

1. The eyes are like windows to the soul, so you want to make sure that YOUR eyes convey the right message. You don't want to have those "creepy" eyes that are sure to spook a woman and have her looking for the quickest exit. You also don't want to be the kind of guy whose eyes immediately hit the floor when you make eye contact with a woman.

2. Your body language says a LOT about YOU. If you hold your body the wrong way, you can easily intimidate a woman. Also, if your body language is wrong, you can also make the impression that you are unavailable or NOT attracted to a woman. You have to pay special attention to what your body is saying to a woman, if you want to be successful.

3. The words you choose to use can make or break you. When talking to a woman, your goal should be to have a fun interaction and to make her attraction for you increase. Choosing the wrong topics and subjects will hurt you if you are not careful.

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