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воскресенье, 22 ноября 2009 г.

Receive Advice on Relationships From a Higher Power

Are you in a confusing relationship? Not sure what to do? Perhaps you are newly divorced and wondering how to begin dating again, where to go, who to ask about ideas to get started? This article will teach you how to get advice on relationships by learning how to tap into your higher power and relax into your abundance flow.

Of course, it is great to seek advice from others. However, if you go to others for advice you will be learning how they would handle the situation. You will not be getting the best advice on relationships for your unique self and situation.

Whatever your beliefs are, you might agree there is a wisdom broader than you that exists. Some might call this God or a higher power. You can gain access to this wisdom by simply asking for it in a certain way.

Once you gain access to this wisdom, your advice on relationships will be experienced as intuitive hunches, lucky coincidences and surprising opportunities. Opening to your abundant flow allows you to attract your highest good without consciously planning or controlling the situation. You relax into the energy of this wisdom.

You will find advice on relationships becomes automatic as your life unfolds before you. I call this the intuitive Law of Attraction. It simply is a way to tap into your God given right to live abundantly by accessing your intuitive mind.

Here is a method to get advice on relationships from this higher power.

1. Gather up a pad and pen at a time when you will not be interrupted.
1. Relax. Get relaxed, still and centered. Perhaps listening to some soft, meditation music, watching a sunset or taking a hot bath would aid in this process
2. Ask a higher power for assistance. Take the pad and pen in hand and simply ask for guidance.
3. Receive. Your advice on relationships will start flowing to you. This is your higher power speaking through you to you. It will come in the form of feelings, hunches and ideas. Right after you ask, begin to write whatever you receive.
4. Entirely. The more you allow the ideas to flow from your pen to your pad, the deeper and more complete your advice on relationships will be. Write as if you are in a state of letting go and surrender. Simply let the ideas come in and receive them.
5. Advice on relationships need not be limited to pad and pen. If you are open to this intuitive process you will be able to receive guidance through your experiences. You might see an advertisement with just the advice on relationships you need. Perhaps a friend might say something that struck you as the perfect answer. Advice on relationships can come from anywhere. Be open and receptive.

The answers are available to us as we relax into our abundance. We need to ask for guidance, and it will be there as we listen.

We all have access to this wisdom if we relax, ask and receive entirely.

Honest communications with a higher power will bring you to the perfect advice on relationships. You are not alone. You can be divinely guided.

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