Russian Brides

вторник, 7 октября 2008 г.

Best Time to Approach a Woman You Are Attracted To

Many times men come to me wanting to know how to approach a woman that they are attracted to. The one thing that most of these men have in common is that they don't approach women they are attracted to either because if they did then approaching women they are attracted to would be a whole lot easier because you approach both women exactly the same way.

What you need to realize and understand is that just because you happen to find a woman attractive does not change the way you approach her. It might change the direction of the conversation after a certain point but in regards to the approach you treat all women equally.

You can approach her with a simple hi or hello or if the situation warrants it something about what she is doing or the environment that she is in. A sincere approach will only get you blown out when a woman either doesn't like you or is already in a bad mood over something that you have no control over.

Now, once you have made that initial approach and hopefully connected with her in some way it then becomes necessary to advance the situation in some way. Whether that is doing something right then, asking for her phone number, or inviting her into your life is up to you and what you are doing.

In the end, when you see a woman you like that moment in time is more than likely the best time for you to approach her if there isn't anyone else that you happen to be talking to at the moment who might get offended.

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