Russian Brides

вторник, 7 октября 2008 г.

The Dating Litmus Test

For each question, answer as honestly as possible, assigning one of the following scores to each answer.

0 = Definitely no!
1 = Probably no
2 = Uncertain (or does not apply)
3 = Probably yes
4 = Definitely yes!

Add up your numbers, and see bottom for your final score. Remember, you are not grading yourself. Your final score will give you an indication of how your boyfriend ranks as a prospective life partner. It's helpful to take the test more than once (hide earlier results until after you have retaken the test to avoid biasing yourself). If you haven't known your partner for much longer than three months or 10 dates, you may not be able to answer some of the questions. If you are in the first weeks of a relationship, there are some questions that will (and should) remain uncertain, such as whether he wants to have children. Give him a "2" on the questions you can't answer yet, and take the test again in a few months to compare results.

Dating Litmus Test

1. Do you look forward to seeing him when you've been apart?
2. Do you find your partner entertaining and interesting?
3. Do you share similar interests, usually agreeing on how to spend time together?
4. Do you find more things to appreciate and respect in your partner as time goes on?
5. Do you have an enjoyable sex life, one that is satisfying physically and emotionally? Does it make you feel good to please him?
6. Are you physically, intellectually, and emotionally attracted to him?
7. Does he make you feel better about yourself? Has your confidence or self-esteem improved during your relationship?
8. Does he pay attention when you speak, and truly listen?
9. Is he considerate of your feelings and desires?
10. Do you trust him, rather than feeling the need to check up on him to make sure he's not being dishonest or cheating on you?
11. Can he be counted on to make the right decisions about his finances or professional life?
12. Do you have compatible long-term goals on major issues, such as career goals and where to live? Are you reasonably confident you can achieve these goals together?
13. Is he supportive emotionally and spiritually?
14. Will you be able to count on him in a time of personal crisis (illness, bereavement, job loss, financial despair)?
15. If you were ill or dying, would you entrust him to make medical decisions on your behalf and care for your children?
16. Does he give comparably or more than he takes from the relationship?
17. Can he get over his anger, frustration, or disappointment in a constructive way?
18. Is he polite, not just with you, but also with friends, family, colleagues, and strangers?
19. Does he take care of himself and encourage you to do the same? Is he a positive and healthy influence?
20. Do you agree on whether or not to have children, and how many?
21. If you do desire kids, do you agree on major child-rearing issues, such as education, faith, health care, and discipline? (If neither one of you wants children, score four points for this question and skip to question 22.)
22. Do you accept each other's strengths and weaknesses, without trying to (dramatically) change each other?
23. Does he make your life easier, rather than creating more work or complicating matters for you?
24. Can you tolerate his personal commitments and burdens, including children from a past relationship, obligations to relatives, a physical disability, mental disorder, or addiction, or an all-consuming career, job, faith, or hobby?
25. Is he a good person, viewed by yourself and others as someone with strong moral convictions and high character?

Final Score:

90 - 100 Grade: A. Very good chance you're with the right guy.
80 - 89 Grade: B. Good prospects, requires work to reach ideal category.
70 - 79 Grade: C. Further work required. He barely passed. Give serious thought about whether he's worth the time, effort, and risk.
Below 70 Grades: D and F. Move along! You're wasting valuable time.


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