Russian Brides

четверг, 12 февраля 2009 г.

Pick Up Women - How to Pick the Right Women to Date

When you are dating a woman, think the opposite of most people. Always think about the best that can happen in a dating relationship and not the worst. Negative, pessimistic people never win. They are always looking for excuses and blaming others for their failures, problems, and frustrations in life. You be a good finder and look for what's good in every new encounter that you are faced with in dating a woman. With the end result, most of the time, you will be the one to come out on top, smelling like a rose.

Now, after a period of time, you've made the effort to develop a relationship with a particular woman. You are sensing that your views and outlook in life are just too different. This has caused pretty much a conflict of interest. You feel that no matter what you do, or how hard you try, you just are not going to be compatible. Then it might be time for you to make a decision. Either you deal with it and try to make it work, or you cut bait, go back into the world, and meet someone new.

Here is a problem that so many men and women are faced with in dating. They seem to be attracted to the same person over and over again. The names might be different and the faces might be different, but if you turned out the lights, you could not tell one person apart from the other.

Internally both men and women are attracting people with the same bad habits, hang-ups and other problems that made them breakup with their boyfriends and girlfriends to begin with. People who are in these situations are suffering from some serious, chronic psychological problems that most likely revert back to parental upbringing.

In order to change their thinking, these issues need to be addressed by a professional. Of course the majority of people out there will never seek any kind of professional help. To begin with, they are, for the most part, in denial of their social problems. You do not want to put yourself in this type of situation.

Sometimes we make mistakes in the way of choices. And sometimes, if a relationship gets stale, we have to move on. But don't try to date carbon copies of whomever you just broke up with and assume that you are going to have a better dating relationship with someone new. You will be disappointed, and before you know it, you are going from woman to woman, looking for the rest of your life for something that doesn't exist. Stop, take a deep breath, and think before you leap from the frying pan into the fire. If you meet a good woman, then use good judgment. Have enough common sense to hold on to her, and stick with her through thick and thin.

Another problem, with a lot of men in general, is that they are going from one woman to another. They don't have a clue as to what they want and need or what they are really looking for in a woman. There are women who do the same thing with men.

You are different because you already know what you want, and that is the cream of the crop, who's the belle of the ball. You need to have the attitude that the more unapproachable a woman is, the more you want to find a way to meet and date her. The tough catches and the most challenging women around are the most rewarding in the end. The more of a determined fearless champion you are, the more likely you are to meet and date that impossible beauty queen. Also you are going to feel better about yourself as a man who knows how to win.

There is no real easy way of dating a woman. Make sure that she is receptive towards you before you invest your feelings and emotions on her and shower her with gifts, flowers and candies. If she expresses any disinterest in you at all, then your best bet is to move on to someone else. Sometimes there is a very thin line between someone who is interested in you and someone who is not.

Any dissatisfaction on her part, especially after you've treated her with kindness and respect, is a good indicator not to hang in there with her. Keep your eyes and ears open at all times looking for signals as to whether or not she's interested in you. If she's receptive, after all you've done in making a gallant effort to show her a good time, and you feel the same way about her, then you are in the ballgame to win her heart.

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