Russian Brides

понедельник, 9 марта 2009 г.

How to Tell If a Guy is Into You - 5 Signs You Need to Know If He Has a Crush on You

So, there is this guy. And he's being giving you signals. But, are they what you think they are? Not all of us are well-versed when it comes to this. Fortunately for you, here are some signs on how to tell if a guy is into you. 

1) The first signs

One of the initial things you'll notice of your guy is that he'll seem to be there even when you're not expecting him to be. If he's a colleague, maybe he'll hang around after a staff meeting to talk to you. Maybe, he'll even compliment on how you look. And these sorts of little things don't mean anything on their own. But, when you add them all up together, they'll make sense. 

2) Rumors

People are not meant to be alone. They will have friends to talk to. And when they do, if he has expressed his emotions about you; it would find its way to your ears. So, if he's giving you 'the look' and you want another shred of evidence to confirm your suspicions, just wait. Eventually you'll hear something. On the other hand, you can always ask around. His friends are a good place to start. However, don't count on this method too much. Stories have a way of distorting and becoming biased as it is passed from mouth to mouth. 

 3) Appearances matter

One would always want to look their best in front of a person he or she wants to impress. It's no different here. The man in question will make certain changes that might be barely noticeable at first. But, you'll soon begin to become aware of it. These changes are usually gradual that will ultimately result in a total makeover. So, if you detect a new hairstyle or a new shirt when he's with you, there is always a possibility he did it to impress you. 

4) Read his body

Reading his body language is another way in knowing how to tell if a guy is into you.Our bodies always betray ourselves via certain inconspicuous but unmistakable movements. For example, liars will usually look the other way. When you're nervous, you'll start having sweaty palms. This might help you in finding out whether he has feelings for you or not. Talk to him and observe his reaction. Maybe he'll fidget with his collar or rub his palms on his pants. That is commonly interpreted as a sign of being nervous and you know what that means. 

5) Casual flirtation

Now, if he's the confident type, you'll be able to see it immediately. He'll instantly flirt with you whenever an opportunity presents itself. You can always indulge him and treat him accordingly. However, there is a fine line between casual flirtation and being serious. Almost all men flirt with women as friends, using it as a coping mechanism instead of a method of hooking up. The trick is to know whether he's trying to ask you out or just want to be friends. So, you can always use all of the tips above to know how to tell if a guy is into you.  

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