Russian Brides

понедельник, 9 марта 2009 г.

Pick Up Girls Online - Is it Really Possible?

So let me start off by telling you that it is very possible to pick up girls online. Most men don't want to break out of their shell and that's why they take their game on the Internet.

This can be a very smart choice simply because without the face-to-face rejection there is a better chance will succeed. You won't be nervous and sweating like you would be when you looking at her face and you have a better chance of formulating a word so you won't be saying the same thing over and over. But also you must understand that on the Internet there are thousands of other guys hitting on hot girls you have to separate yourself from them. That's why when you try to pick up girls online you have to do the exact opposite of what other guys do.

One thing would be to keep your shirt on. What do I mean by this? Well I'm sure you see a lot of guys pitches with their shirts off trying to attract women to them. The honest answer is that this plain old doesn't work simply because girls want a guy who would be more conservative about the way they are. Just taking his shirt off makes you look like you want every girl on the Sun and you are not serious about finding someone for you. I suggest you keep the shirt off no matter how good your body is a good you think it is.

Also when trying to pick up girls online you must remember that as with trying to pick them up off-line, it's going to take practice. But there is millions of girls out there you can literally practice on so you shouldn't feel bad because remember it's not face-to-face anymore so you can have the chance to mess up and keep on going that's why the Internet is so great.

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