Russian Brides

четверг, 22 октября 2009 г.

What Do Women Love to Talk About? Find Out These Conversation Starters That Win Them Over!

How many times have you been stuck at what to say to women, to get them interested in you, especially when talking about your car, job, and family have failed? Well my friend, there are in fact a bunch of topics and range of things you can talk about which will instantly engage her and have her interested in you. The simple trick, then, is to pick topics which emotionally draw women in. Read on to find out what women love to talk about...

Conversation starters are not conversation enders - You don't want to end the conversation, so don't pick questions and topics which only concentrate on one person, but instead, pick a topic that concentrates on neither of you at all! This leaves the space open for both of you to give your opinion and ideas, without getting bored, and it also leaves room for you to play around a bit with humor and teasing; whereas you may not always be able to do that, especially if she is the one asking all the questions about your life.

What women love to talk about - Women love to talk about anything that emotionally draws them in. So what emotionally draws them in? There are 4 basic emotions which women love to feel, and most are unaware of it, and they are: anger, sadness, happiness, and surprise. Well that's not a big surprise, if you watched any soap operas you would notice that they too centralize on grabbing the viewer's same emotions.

Topics which grab those emotions - Some simple topics which will instantly grab her attention and emotions range from superficial and meaningless topics to complex topics such as history and psychological analysis of others. But, since we want to keep things simple, let's break each down.

Superficial things - These are basically topics which centralize around things like fashion, who is wearing what, and what dumb trends came out recently. Seriously, it's ok to criticize things and fashion around women, because women do it too, and that's one thing which almost every woman is opinionated about, and it's also something you can easily have a laugh about together.

Psychological analysis and history - If you were to analyze why people do what they do, all you have to do is take a simple funny story, such as dumb crooks, and there you have it, a conversation about psychological analysis. Women love to talk about these things, because it allows you to get in depth about things, but without getting too serious. History, on the other hand, can simply be telling her facts about something, but make sure they are interesting and intriguing.

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