Russian Brides

вторник, 24 ноября 2009 г.

Dating Tips For Men - When to Approach a Woman

Knowing the right time to approach a woman can easily seem as though it's a mystery to YOU. As a man, you want to make sure that you approach a woman at the RIGHT time. After all, when you approach a woman and your timing is off, then there is no amount of help that can get you to make a good impression on her. Timing is everything when it comes to creating attraction with a woman. Trust me, it's okay to feel a bit out of touch when it comes to knowing when the time is right.

But, you can learn a few things that WILL help you out.

Here they are:

1. When you spot a beautiful woman, you don't want to wait forever. It's easy to feel as though your feet are stuck and stand back and play the waiting game. Don't do this! This will only make you seem less attractive in her eyes. And if you keep your eyes on her, she might even feel a bit creeped out.

2. If you make eye contact and she smiles and then looks down, it's time to make YOUR move. When she does this, she's not only signaling that she likes what she sees (YOU!), but also her own insecurities when she looks down. This is when you should make NO hesitation at all and walk over to her.

3. If she looks away and moves her body away from you, then it's a pretty good indicator she does not want to be bothered. This does not mean that it necessarily has anything to do with YOU. It might mean that she's having a bad day and does not want to be bothered with anyone. Whatever the case may be, this is probably not the time to walk over and introduce yourself.

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