Russian Brides

пятница, 6 ноября 2009 г.

How to Attract More Women Than You Know What to Do With in a Few Short Weeks

Attract More Women | Attract Hotter Women | Get A Lot Of Dates

Attracting More & Hotter Women

In order to attract more women we've simply got to talk to more women. It's that simple. In order to attract hotter women we've got to talk to hotter women. Duh. Simple, right? You might be thinking - I can't do that! Yes you can.

If you think that you can't then you're already dead in the water. You see picking up hot women is actually easy if you believe that you can do it and can handle the few rejections. Most guys can't stand rejection and they are destined to make love to the lotion on the night stand.

Did you know that the average 22 year old girl has twice as much sex as the average 22 year old male. Why is that?

Because these hotties are hooking up with the same dudes over and over again. That guy could be you.

Attitude is everything. If you don't believe it you can't create it. So I want to you spend just five minutes a day visualizing yourself talking to a super hot girl. That is step one. Don't worry it gets easier with practice.

What you're doing is programming yourself for success. Now, here's a bit of insider information that works, you have to engage and keep the conversation rolling. Keep it light and fun. Once you've got her talking you're 3/4 of the way to scoring.

Be original and exciting. Remember that looks, age, and even money really don't matter if you can seduce a woman's mind and emotions. If seen this work over and over again for any guy.

Attract More Women | Emotional Highs

Emotional Highs

Once you've controlled a women's emotions through conversation she'll be addicted to the feelings that you produce inside of her. That is one of the ultimate secrets. Women are emotional creatures unlike us, use that.

So, practice your visualizations, go in guns blazing and keep the conversation rolling, and elicit emotionally charged responses. Once you master these tactics no woman will resist you.

Seriously. You have to believe it first and then make it a reality. If you don't practice you'll never get there, but if you do you'll be swimming in phone numbers and dates within a few weeks.

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