Russian Brides

пятница, 6 ноября 2009 г.

What Your Life Will Be Like in 5 Years If You Don't Start Learning How to Attract Women Now

Do you adore him, and wish you could make him adore you too? Do you catch his eye, or does he pass you by? Do you envy those girls who seem to know just what to do? The good news is that you can make him adore you, if you follow a few simple rules.

DOORMATS AREN'T ADORABLE - men really don't want domestic slaves any more (or at least, the ones worth having don't). Whilst the ability to keep house is important, self-possession, assurance, conversational ability and good old-fashioned friendship are much more desirable qualities to develop.

RAPPORT TO ADORE - the fundamental secret of attraction is that we like people who are like us. The opposites attract thing is a Hollywood myth that just doesn't happen in real life. Note that this doesn't mean slavishly copying the man of your dreams. Instead, it means showing him that you understand where he comes from, that you speak his language and that you're sensitive to his view of the world. Listen to him, understand his interests, his likes and dislikes, and respond accordingly. When you've got rapport, you can make him adore you without even thinking about it.

DON'T IGNORE THE ADORED - by the same token, take very great care not to break rapport with your chosen man. You need to show him that you understand him, so don't go riding roughshod over his feelings. If you're attracted to a shy, quiet type, playing the loud extrovert will certainly get his attention, but not in the way you want. Ignore his style at your peril.

SCORE YOUR ADORED - it's just a matter of observing male behaviour. Men are hunters by instinct, so you need to take a leaf out of their book and become a hunter too. A good hunter understands their prey, so observe the object of your desire with a hunter's eye. See the way he behaves around other women, what he does and what he doesn't do. Everything you need to know about him will be right there.

LEAVE YOUR ADORED FLOORED - attention and confidence are the two most attractive qualities anyone can possess. Listen to your man and act with confidence around him, and he'll be putty in your hands.

If you're not used to these concepts, it can seem a little bit overwhelming to begin with, but it doesn't have to be. Most of it is just common sense. Remember, all the time you're modifying your style and behaviour to match your chosen man, he'll be modifying his style and behaviour to match you too. So you'll meet in the middle! Keep practising, and before long you'll make him adore you, easily and effortlessly.

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