Russian Brides

пятница, 13 ноября 2009 г.

How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection by Women

The biggest reason that guys don't approach is fear of rejection. Fear, uncertainty and doubt are, and have always been, the greatest enemies of success and achievement. For this reason, in order to develop your social skill-set, you must work continually to confront the fears that hold you as a person back.

In order to become an attractive man and create successful relationships, it's something you have to practice. The two major fears that stand as the greatest obstacles on your road to success are the fear of failure and the fear of rejection. These are the two major enemies you must overcome. It is interesting to note that it is not failure or rejection that hurts you or holds you back.

It is the fear of failure or rejection. It is the anticipation or expectation of failure or rejection that paralyzes you and blocks you from approaching that girl you are attracted to. If you see a girl you are attracted to, instead of thinking of the reasons that you should approach her, most guys do the opposite and focus their attention on why they should not approach. Some of what they visualize is contained in the following

• The girl will think you are strange or weird
• People around her will realize that you are hitting on her and listen to see how it goes
• Her boyfriend will come up and assault you
• She will laugh at you
• She will ignore you

The truth is that everyone is afraid of something and is insecure in some area. Everyone you meet is afraid of failure and rejection in some way and is dealing with the same fear as you are. Once you understand this, it can help to free your mind. The difference between the hero and the coward is that the hero holds his ground slightly longer. The average person will use every excuse to avoid the fear-causing situation. The brave person committees himself to understanding and confronting his fear.

Everybody is insecure in some area of their lives. Once you realize that nobody expects you to be perfect, you will lose much of your emotional baggage. Most of the time, when you approach a girl, she is just as nervous as you are and is focusing on forming a good impression with you. If she is quiet, then she may be simply shy but you assume that she has a negative attitude towards you. You start to think and believe such thoughts as:

• I am not good enough for her
• She will lose interest in me
• She is too beautiful

Just think for a moment about your previous beliefs and the price you have paid for believing these limiting beliefs and how they held you back. Some of our beliefs were the result of other people's comments to us and we continue to lead our lives well below our true potential. As you are reading this right now, ask yourself the following question: "Are you ready disregard your old harmful beliefs and to embrace new beliefs and feelings"

If you enjoyed reading this article click here for more great dating advice tips that will ultimately SKYROCKET YOUR SUCCESS WITH WOMEN.

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