Russian Brides

понедельник, 7 декабря 2009 г.

How to Create Attraction With a Woman - Ways to Make Her Dream About You

Are you the kind of man that women DREAM about?

I know, what you are thinking. Yeah, right. There is no way that this can be me? You may want to reconsider your position on this one. Many guys underestimate their real ability to create attraction with a woman. Instead of seeing things for how they really are, most guys see things as the way they think they are. And when it comes to knowing what really attracts a woman, usually they are way off base. You might be surprised at how easily you CAN become the kind of man that women dream about.

How can you accomplish this?

1. Change your own outlook. No one is a harsher critic than you are about yourself. Instead of being your own champion when it comes to your chances with women, it's probably a good bet that you talk yourself down more than you should. Sure, you don't have a Mercedes and a private practice, but this is not required to create attraction with women.

2. Learn new things. It's a common thing that happens to most men. We get stuck in a rut or a routine and we never really get out of it. But, you can easily make yourself more attractive to women by being a guy that is always open to new experiences and learning new things. After all, what's appealing about someone that is boring?

3. Push her buttons. Don't try and be too safe around a woman. When you can push her buttons, then you can begin to create sexual tension with women and this is what will get you past the point of being just another guy and into the field of being a man that she dreams about.

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