Russian Brides

понедельник, 7 декабря 2009 г.

How to Get a Guy - It Starts With You

Who do you listen to for advice on how to get a guy? Do you ask your mother or some of your friends' mothers? Do you talk to your girlfriends or read every article you can get your hands on? If so, you are just like every other woman who ever lived, but, to get a guy, you need to understand the dating rules of modern society.

Sure, our mothers have good advice but their dating rules were dramatically different from those of today. Women have made huge advancements in society in just one or two generations, especially in the areas of employment and finances. Back in our parents' time, men were the sole financial providers and women ran the household. Very few families follow this trend today. Women are out there earning college degrees, landing high-paying jobs, and sometimes providing the single income for the family while the male takes over the domestic duties. This makes it all the more difficult to figure out what men are looking for today.

Simply, they want a partner. Men today are attracted to confident, self-assured women who can stand on their own. They love a woman who has a full life of her own and brings so much to the relationship. These traits not only win that man's attention, but they give you that great feeling of knowing that you are the best that you can be. This is undeniably attractive to men.

Yet, you must understand that men also want an emotional partner. They need a woman who is their best friend, someone who listens and shares all of their ups and downs without judgment or criticism. Any woman that can reach a man emotionally and reassure him that he can freely open up to her will always get the guy. Sometimes it is difficult to decipher a man's thoughts, because they don't always confer what they are looking for; but, you can learn to read his signals. It might take some effort on your part, but men are really not that hard to figure out.

So, if you want to get that guy, start with yourself by being the best you can be. This enhances your confidence which radiates out to others and will get you noticed. Work on understanding your man's unspoken thoughts and become his best friend. Soon you'll have the relationship you've been hoping for.

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