Russian Brides

четверг, 19 февраля 2009 г.

A Stunning Tip on Getting a Girl to Like You

Are you ready for an earth shattering revelation? Are you ready to learn how to make virtually any woman fall head over heels for you? This is a concept that is so simple that a lot of men bang their heads against the wall when they learn about it. Your success with women will multiple exponentially if you follow this one method. Read on.

A Surefire Method On Getting A Girl To Like You

Here is the concept I am talking about...

Be a challenge.

I am sure you have heard this many times before, but let me explain why being a challenge is so effective with seducing women.

You see, most men are absolute chumps. They believe that buying women drinks and showering them with compliments is how they will be able to take them home at the end of the night. They see the sex as almost a transaction.

That is a totally limited way of thinking. You see, seduction is anything BUT a transaction.

Here is a key concept of seduction: Separate yourself from the rest.

And this is exactly what you do by being a challenge to women. You see, sexy women are used to being treated like royalty. They expect a night full of free drinks and men drooling all over them.

What really surprises them is when they meet a man who is NOT obsessed with her. If you act with a sense of disinterest, this will get her very curious about you. Mix in a little cockiness and you have the recipe for TONS of sexual tension between the two of you.

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