Russian Brides

вторник, 10 марта 2009 г.

Do I Call Him?

You met or have been chatting with a man you're really into. The attraction is amazing. The connection unreal. You're hoping that he'll take your connection further and get to know how great you are.

But his calls are declining and you're trying to figure out why. You're been thinking about him for days. You can't seem to get him off of your mind. You're wondering why he's no longer calling and what you could do about it.

You don't want to appear too needy or desperate. If you make the wrong move, he could pull further away from you. You're trying to give this man a great impression of you, put your best foot forward. You just don't want to screw it up this time but you're dying to hear from him.

You're starting to panic. You miss chatting and you want to hear his voice. Your mind begins to wonder where he is and what he's doing. Why did you seem to have such a great connection and he's stopped calling?

Men respond to attraction much different than women do. If you understand male psychology, it will be far easier for you to get what is really going on inside his mind. But since you're not a man, it's better to learn the reasons why men stop calling and what to do about it.

Your situation might seem difficult but men are easy to understand. You need to end the torture right now and know exactly what to do to get you the results you're looking for.

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