Russian Brides

пятница, 20 ноября 2009 г.

4 Tricks to Easily Get a Woman's Phone Number! You Won't Struggle to Get Numbers After This

Getting the phone number of a woman you don't know at all is not an easy task. It takes a certain amount of skill and strategy that makes this a possibility. Some men often get slammed when they approach a woman to get her number, failing only because they haven't got their approach right.

Your success in getting a woman's number depends on a couple of things. The most important thing is to trigger the attraction within her to get anywhere and the ways to trigger this are listed below and following them will make sure that you get her number before the evening ends.

Be stylish: Style is the non verbal statement that you make. It is an extension of your personality and is crucial in making the first impression. Making sure that you are stylishly dressed in well fitted, ironed smart clothes gives you an instant appeal.

Making sure that you wear your clothes and your clothes don't wear you makes you comfortable and confident. And women like men who are confident, groomed and smell good.

Establish eye contact: Look in the direction of the woman you like and hold her eye for a while. Before you feel that she is going to turn away give her a smile. This is the litmus test as if she is interested in you; her body language will give her away.

Go over to her if you find her looking at you from the corner of her eye and each time she looks, she either touches her face, flips her hair or plays with her accessories.

Have a witty opening: The best way to break the ice is to use humor in your opening statement. Going over to an attractive woman and saying how beautiful she is going to make you fall flat on your face. Be different in your approach and you'll have her attention.

Continue the conversation on a light note keeping a balance that you don't end up looking like a fool who just makes jokes to hide his discomfort. Also make sure that the conversation proceeds smoothly and there are no awkward silences. That could ruin your chance of getting her number.

Discover her interests: Find out what her interests are in a very nonchalant manner by simply manipulating your conversation. If she says she like movies or music tell her about a great movie that's running. Ask her casually if she would like to go and offer to take her.

By just being smart and in control you very cleverly have got her number. Now the important thing is to leave at the right time. Hang around for a little while and then leave. You do want her to look forward to meeting you!

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