Russian Brides

вторник, 17 ноября 2009 г.

Speed Dating Icebreakers

Here's a short list of questions you can use as conversation starters at your next speed dating appearance. The best questions are those that are open and allow her to describe and expand on her answers. Make sure you have yours ears wide open and ready to listen!

* how did you spend last weekend?
* what do you do for fun/ to keep life interesting?
* can you tell me what you are most passionate about?
* would you say you are a city, mountain or beach person? why?
* what type of movies to you enjoy watching?
* what do you do for a living/ to keep yourself out of mischief?
* what are the most important qualities you look for in a person?
* if you met a genie who could grant you 3 wishes, what would they be?
* which 3 people would you invite as guests to a dinner party?
* if you won the lottery, how would you spend it?
* can you tell me about your most memorable moment?
* if you were to be banished to a deserted island, what 3 things would you pack?
* what is the most reckless thing you have ever done?
* what do you think people see as your best qualities?
* where would you go on your ideal holiday?
* what's the one place you have travelled to yet but really want to experience?
* what is your favourite type of food?
* which song do you think best sums you up?
* what moments of your life have taken your breath away?

This is just a short list to help start your next speed dating conversation. There are plenty more I am sure you can come up with. Be careful not to unleash a rapid fire barrage of questions as this will make her feel like she is being interrogated by the FBI. Listen to the answers and allow her to ask you questions too. This allows you to gauge her level of interest in you and it's the relation part of relationship!

Happy dating!

Alexa xxx

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