Russian Brides

вторник, 1 декабря 2009 г.

Dating Advice For Women - How Do You Know If You Are Dating a Mature Man?

If you're finally asking yourself the question of how to know a mature man when you see one, you've probably had relationships in the past with men who turned out to be pretty immature and spoiled. Relationships with this kind of man rarely ever work out if you aren't on the same maturity level as him.

Mature men can maintain a relationship better than those who are immature. There are ways to see how mature a guy really is without having to judge by their attractiveness. First, mature men have been in similar situations before and know how to handle them. They can also handle criticism without letting their feelings get hurt. These men are well grounded and can recognize their own shortcomings and take them with a grain of salt. Secondly, mature men have other relationships that are healthy. When a man has healthy relationships with his friends, family and co-workers, he is also capable of having a healthy romantic relationship. Also, if a man is on speaking ground with his ex girlfriends, he is probably great relationship material since that relationship is still a healthy one. This means he places to ill will in any of his relationships and also does not place politics into them. Immature men will complain and turn into drama-queens while not doing anything to fix the situation.

Lastly, if you want to know how to know a mature man when you see one, realize that mature men believe in things that are bigger than themselves. When men know there are things out there besides themselves and/or their bank accounts, he has purpose in his life and is not arrogant. He is also more reverent in his beliefs than most other people. By acknowledging these traits in him, he will acknowledge them in you.

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