Russian Brides

вторник, 1 декабря 2009 г.

Make Women Want You - 4 Secrets of a Pick Up Artist

In my travels, I have seen men make the same mistakes, time and time again, in their efforts to make a women want them. It makes me sad really. The basic concept of human attraction is so scary in its' simplicity. A man will meet a girl, become intensely interested in her, and he believes that the key to her heart lies in his ability to do everything he can to make her happy.

This is a very novel thought. Foolish but somehow appealing to the masses. Why? Because Hollywood and the music industry brainwashes these poor souls into believing that is what it takes to make a woman want and love him. It is all a bunch of lies. If you fall for this romanticizing mess then my apologies but, you are completely and utterly WRONG! If it's your intention to kill every bit of attraction she may have for you, you go right ahead and follow that foolish line of thinking. However, if you want to know how to Make A Woman Want You, you will listen to what I am about to tell you. There is a very strong statement out there that goes like this, "Nice guys finish last", and the fact of the matter is that it's completely true.

If you doubt me, or need some help in re-programming your brain to understand how to make women want you, I am going to offer up the 4 "Attraction Killing Mistakes" that you should NEVER allow yourself to make.

1. Making Her Know You Will "Always Be There For Her"

If you are really attracted to a woman, it's pretty natural to find any excuse you can to be with her. Don't worry if this is you, it really is natural, but it also works against your main objective of making her want you. When you are spending a lot of time with a woman, you are not making her feel all warm and fuzzy because she knows you are always going to be there for her, instead, you are killing the attraction. It can be a slow and painful death.

You may wonder how this can possibly be and the answer is simple. The single biggest catalyst for attraction is Mystery. Mystery allows the imagination of your target to run wild with possibilities. When you're always with the woman you want, she knows where you are, she knows what you're doing, and she knows who you are with. There is no imagination at work. Also, you run the risk of doing or saying foolish things, and this also will eliminate some of her attraction because you're killing her fantasy of you.

Instead of trying to win her over with the comfort of your presence, which never works, you should try to remain as mysterious and interesting to her as possible. Mystery is the foundation on which attraction is built. Always has been and always will be.

2. Compliment Her In Doses

Everyone loves a compliment. Especially women. However, if you want to make a woman want you, you will understand that you need to be sparse with your compliments to her. If you are not scarce with your compliments, after a while, she will not have an appreciation for earning your respect and adoration. Your words will carry no meaning with her when you do it too frequently. As an alternative, you can just playfully tease her about things.

You want to be careful though, avoiding anything that you think she may be especially sensitive about because you don't want to hurt her feelings, but you must make her feel as if she needs to earn your praises. She will appreciate them much more and, in turn, her attraction level towards you will go up a few notches as well. When you playfully tease a woman about something, like teasing her about having big ears, crazy eyes, or something light, it will subconsciously make her place herself below you on the social ladder. In turn, it will make her want to earn your affections and, therefore, ratchets up her attraction level.

3. You've Got A Date! - So Sorry I Will Not Be Able To Make It

This is a terrific tool to increase attraction in the woman you want to want you. What you do is, after you've been out on a date with her once, showing her what a fun guy you are, you set a date for another time and place. Everything is going great. You wait until the afternoon of the day of your date and you call her and cancel the date. Tell her something important came up and you can't make it. Apologize and set up another date right then. While she will be disappointed, possibly teasing you for it, what you're really doing is increasing her anticipation for your next encounter. You're increasing her attraction towards you by not being so readily available to her.

4. Always Be Respectful

If this last thing seems in opposition to my previous 3 tips, understand this, not being the "nice guy" and being respectful are worlds apart and don't mean the same thing. At the very core, being a nice guy is the same thing as being the office brown noser looking for favor from their superiors. Don't be that guy! No one will respect you, especially the woman you want. For instance, canceling a date at the last minute on purpose is not disrespectful as long as you call her and apologize for bailing out on her.

I would never suggest that you tease a woman in a way that will make her feel bad about herself enough to ruin her self-esteem. While you want her to place herself beneath you, feeling like you bring value into her life, you don't want to make her feel as if she is dirt either. If you don't know what the difference is, between not being a nice guy and being respectful, you need to do some serious research.

It is possible to playfully tease a woman and not hurt her feelings. If you cannot master this aspect of attraction then, I am sorry to say, there is very little hope for you. However, if you are able to understand and master the tips I have laid out for you here, you are well on your way and will make women want you with ease.

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