Russian Brides

среда, 18 марта 2009 г.

How to Attract a Woman - Three Proven Dating Tips That Instantly Spark Attraction in Any Woman!

Women are choosers of men when it comes to attraction. What does this mean to you, the guy? It means that a woman is mostly conditioned to respond to particular physical characteristics, traits, and signals from body language. This means a woman do NOT choose her feelings of attraction to.... the rich man, the big Poobah in business, athletic types or the bad boys. This is a chemical reaction between a man and a woman created through signals. These signals can be learned and used by you and you will learn how to attract any woman with them.

These signals work for you in the fact that all you need to learn how to attract a woman is to ACT like, or show similar behaviors as the men that attract women. You do not have to be one of them; just act like them. First you must learn to recognize what behaviors work for attracting a woman. You can then use these simple behaviors that other men use that have learned how to attract a woman.

1. High Social Status - If you want to learn how to attract a woman you need to know how to show off a little or a lot depending on the woman you are trying to attract. Use your popularity to impress her by taking her to a popular place where everyone knows you. You can accomplish this by making an effort to make more friends in a specific venue ahead of time. When she notices that everyone wants your attention she will be more attracted to you. Make sure the bartender and staff know you in a bar or restaurant first. This is very impressive and will make you highly desirable to her. This attracts a woman who is attracted to men of high importance even if it is in a smaller venue. Even she does not realize it is happening to her.

2. Memorable Impressions - This is a basic rule in how to attract a woman that proves it does not matter what your social status is, how you look, how much money you have or how tall you are. All this takes is leaving a lasting memorable experience for her about you. How can you make a woman remember you? Here are some basics on that subject. Be confident and ask her how she is doing. Use a relaxed, deep tone when you ask her "What's up?" so as to show some interest but not too much. This is an effective tactic that will send the right chemical signals to her brain that light her fire so to speak. Using the right body language and vocal tones sends the right signals for attracting a woman. Feel free to tease her a little. A little light-hearted teasing actually turns on her chemical sensors and makes her think you are not particularly impressed. Women are so used to being hit on that this sends the message that you do not need for her to be attracted to you. This is kind of like reverse psychology.

3. Cocky Humor - Laughter is a big way of attracting a woman's attention. They love to be challenged and laugh a lot. Women do not like to be bored and trust me most beautiful women are! Women are attracted to fun and laughter. This can be accomplished with simple actions like: Make fun of yourself without putting yourself down. Let her know you can laugh at yourself. Use intelligent witty conversation without over doing it. Observational humor is another great way to get her to laugh and attract her. Tell a funny story and exaggerate the details a bit to make it funnier. And finally, the most fun rule of how to attract a woman is to use cocky humor and don't be afraid to tease her in front of her peers. This tactic demonstrates a high status attitude and lets her know you do not need her to validate who you are.

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