Russian Brides

среда, 18 марта 2009 г.

How to Flirt With Your Ex-Boyfriend

If you want to win back your ex-boyfriend, you'll need to be at the top of your game when you see him. Here are some dos and don'ts when flirting with your ex.

Do's - How to Flirt With Your Ex

  1. Look your best - Change something about your looks so that your ex is sure to notice how great you look. This might be losing weight, getting a new hairstyle, wearing your make up differently, or buying some new clothes.
  2. Be confident - Watch your posture when you're around your ex. Keep your shoulders back and think to yourself "I'm gorgeous." Be proud that you're a great catch and it will show in your body language and intrigue your ex. You want to convey that you are a confident, friendly woman with or without your ex.
  3. Flaunt your femininity - Highlight your best features, such as your curvy body, your eyes and lips, or your toned legs. What did your ex love best about your body? Wear clothes that accentuate that part. Consider wearing flowing skirts or high heels. When your ex can't stay away, bat your eyelashes at him or casually play with your hair while you talk with him.
  4. Smile and look happy - Smiling shows him you are open to interacting with him and invites him to approach you. Smiling automatically makes you look more attractive, and it says to your ex that you're having a great time and you're fun to be around.
  5. Watch his body language - Look for indicators of interest (IOIs) showing that your ex may be receptive to you. These include making prolonged eye contact, smiling warmly, initiating a conversation, orienting his body towards you, leaning closer to you, or touching you. If he's standing with arms crossed and refuses to make eye contact, he's not interested in flirting.
  6. Mirror his behavior - Watch what he does and subtly mirror his actions. If he leans forward, lean forward a few seconds later. If he takes a sip of his drink, pick up your glass. If he changes the tone or pace of his voice, do the same when you speak. By mirroring his behavior, you'll begin to think the two of you are "in sync" and connected.
  7. Be positive - Keep your interaction upbeat, positive and fun. He may still have some negative feelings towards you, so you want to make sure every time he's around you, he now associates you with excitement and having a good time.

Don'ts - Avoid these Behaviors With Your Ex

  1. Flattering your ex - One or two compliments are ok, but don't pour on the charm. Keep things light. You don't want to look like an adoring puppy that still pines for him.
  2. Slouch or look depressed - If you act depressed or moody around your ex, he's much more likely to think "What did I ever see in her? She's such a negative person" than "She's really hurting. She must have really loved me. Maybe I made a mistake."
  3. Sleeping with your ex - When you see your ex again, chances are, the chemistry between you two will still be there. It will be tempting to give in to breakup sex. Don't do it. Sleeping with your ex just gives him no-strings-attached physical intimacy. It doesn't mean he still loves you or wants to get back together with you. It's just sex.
  4. Bringing up the breakup - Flirting is a fun way to get someone's attention and make them feel good. You can't do that if you both are tense or thinking about all the problems you had in the past. Keep your conversation casual and quickly change the subject if he starts to talk about your breakup.

Flirting with your ex is the first step to rekindling your relationship, so keep things fun. Watch your ex for signs that he's still interested, and respond to him with the same degree of affection he gives you. Most of all, be patient. You can't force things to happen before both of you are ready.

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