Russian Brides

среда, 18 марта 2009 г.

How to Flirt With Women by Building Intense Sexual Tension

Look - the fact of the matter is this - if you wanna be good with women, you have got to be super effective at flirting. The best way to flirt is by building intense sexual tension in the woman. If you are able to generate this tension and make it boil over, then you are well on your way to be the ultimate 'player'. Read on to discover the three killer ways to build intense sexual tension in a woman, and achieve killer results fast...

Technique #1: "The Quiet Seducer". The easiest way to flirt is to use body language. The fact is that women are born to be experts at reading a man's non-verbal communications - if you are not able to come across as confident and dominant then you will lose out.

Technique #2: "The Cocky Teaser". This is a vital aspect of building tension - teasing! In order to be effective, you have got to make her somehow feel frustrated, but in a playful way. This frustration will often turn into sexual energy and tension - if done right. To do this, use the killer technique number three below...

Technique #3: "Hypnosis / Fractionation". This is the biggest, baddest and most effective tactic of all - hypnosis! By using this technique called fractionation, master seducers have been able to build super intense sexual tension in women and make them fall in love - in as little as 15 minutes. Killer stuff!

Fractionation is a technique where the seducer make the woman go through an emotional rollercoaster in a conversation, so that she becomes 'anchored' to him. As a result, she becomes emotionally 'connected' and dependent on you. Very effective, but highly controversial at the same time.

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