Russian Brides

пятница, 23 октября 2009 г.

How to Get a Woman to Sleep With You - Use These 3 Methods If You Want Fast Results!

Several men don't like being straightforward when it comes to female seduction. You should stop thinking like this and simply be frank. Men like having sex; however, their tactics in luring girls into bed are far from effective. If you need a proper guideline to seduction, keep reading to discover how to bag your dream girl in no time.

1. Yes To Date, No To Number.

Let us begin with the basics. Build real rapport with women before you begin the seduction process. Once you have formed a connection, ask her out on a date; don't ask for her phone number.

Several men waste the entire process of building rapport by asking girls for their phone number instead of just asking them out on a date straight away. No matter what other men advise you to do; you need to ask her out immediately before getting her contact information.

Instantly asking her out on a date can test how much rapport you have built, as well as give you better chances of getting her into bed on the same night.

2. Mysterious Date

Assure her that you will not be bringing you home, but only to a nice bar or café. When you get there, you can point out what makes your place of choice not the ideal place to be in. If the bar is crowded and noisy, you can ask her to move to a quiet location that has more comfortable seating.

3. Neuro Linguistic Programming Methods

One particular method of NLP is known as 'mirroring' and is shortcut to instant seduction. It involves mimicking female speech patterns and body movements to make her fall for you. This would be the quickest way to make her feel comfortable around you and agree to whatever you want.

After doing this, you should try out the technique of hypnosis known as "fractionation", which entails making use of conversational anchors to make women feel great whenever they are around you. If done properly, any woman will get an emotional connection with you, and become hopelessly addicted.

Fractionation actually has the ability to make women fall for men in an instant - less than 14 minutes. Highly effective, yet very controversial, as well.

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