Russian Brides

четверг, 12 ноября 2009 г.

Not Sure How Your Date is Going? 5 Signs He is Interested in You

Often when you're on a date it's sometimes hard to know if he's interested in you or not. Is he acting aloof on purpose or is he trying to hide the fact he is interested in you? You may be feeling too nervous and concentrating your energy on putting your best foot forward, to notice. Let's take a look at five signs he is interested in you...

One tell-tale sign is if he smiles with his eyes as well as his mouth. If he just smiles with his mouth this is a sign he may be forcing it. If on the other hand his eyes light up and he smiles with his whole face it's a sure sign he is interested. The more facial muscles that are involved in his smile the better.

Another sign he is interested in you is if he leans his whole body in towards you. Often we're unaware of our body language. If you know what to look for however you can read him like a book. If he is leaning back in his chair away from you this means he wants to get away from you as quickly as possible. Look at where his arms are. The further away from his body they are towards you, the more he likes you.

If your date reveals something personal about himself this is a sign he trusts you and therefore likes you. Perhaps he confesses something very personal about his family or something from his past. Only someone who feels comfortable with you will share an imitate detail about themselves. If he reveals himself to you, then you are in with a grin.

It's a cliché but it is true. If his pupils are dilating then he is definitely interested and attracted to you. This may be hard to tell if you are in a dark restaurant. But if you are somewhere brightly lit and his pupils are big, then this is a telling sign. If you are eating somewhere with dim lighting, look at him under a bright streetlight when you have finished your meal.

While on your date, is he listening to you? You will know whether he is listening intently as he will carry the conversation forward from what you have just said. If he does this, then it's another sign he's interested in your. If he is not listening he will instead turn the conversation to something completely unrelated.

The above signs all indicate he is interested in you. The more signs your date displays, the more he likes you.

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