Russian Brides

понедельник, 16 ноября 2009 г.

Three Ways to Attract a Guy

What's the best way to attract a guy? How do you get a guy's attention? How do you keep him interested? It's really not all that difficult to attract a man's attention. Men are always on the look out for attractive girls. Even when they're out on a date they always have their eyes open just in case. The real challenge is to stay ahead of the game and beat the competition, and to keep his attention once you've got it. Here are three simple ways to attract a guy and keep him interested.

* Be confident. Confidence really is one of the most attractive qualities a girl can have. Forget what you've heard about men being attracted to shy girls, it's the most confident girl who always wins his affection. For one thing, confident girls are much better at getting themselves noticed. Confident girls are also more attractive because they seem to be more interesting and have more personality (at least that personality is more accessible). Don't be afraid to stand out of the crowd and make your voice heard. Men will admire you for it.

* Be positive. It's part of human nature to be attracted to people with a positive outlook on life. Those who are more positive, more outgoing and more fun don't just enjoy life more, they also help others to enjoy life more. When we are around positive people our mood is lifted too. We might not notice this on a conscious level but subconsciously a simple smile can make us want to spend time with a person. Sometimes having a nice smile is all it takes to attract a guy.

* Be a great conversationalist. Men aren't just interested in sex. It's a common misconception. They enjoy a good conversation as much as any woman and the ability to hold a good conversation is very important. If you want to keep a guy's attention this is how to do it. A good way to keep a guy talking is to ask him lots of questions about himself. Guys can talk about themselves all night and it never hurts to give his ego a good stroking. It might be your looks or your smile that will attract a guy but it's your conversation that will keep him interested.

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