Russian Brides

четверг, 19 ноября 2009 г.

Why Good Women Choose Losers

Do you have a girlfriend or someone close to you that always manages to date a complete loser? Perhaps you've been there yourself. And you have to ask yourself, why? Why do good women choose losers? All the torment and pain and angst? If there are six billion people on the planet, surely there must be a sufficient number of decent guys out there for good women like us, don't you think...

You know, when you think about it, it takes the same amount of effort to get dressed and everything else for a loser (ie a total creep) that it does for a decent respectable and caring guy.

We all say that we want a Prince Charming - someone to be our hero, to protect us and take care of us and be a good father to the children we someday wish to have.

So why is it, that so many of us fall for the 'alleged' charms of the complete loser? I'll tell you why. Because he has perfected his slimy approach to seduce the weakest among us; we're no different from animals in the jungle. The hunters will always prey on the weakest, ie the dumbest, the easiest. Because the losers are creeps (and worse), they want to do as little work as possible and reap as much as they can into the bargain.

So they'll dress smartly (for the most part), smile and listen and maybe wine and dine us and for what? At the end of the day, all they want (the creeps that is), is their wicked way. So, they'll get their easy prey into bed, get what they want and then move on.

They didn't have to work too hard, so therefore there's no value in what they just had (ie sex with you if it's on the first night for example). He now knows he can have what he wants when he wants, so respect is out of the window and gone bye bye. And when you're without respect, you're on a downward path.

In the above scenario, you didn't have enough self respect to tell this loser where to go hang himself and of course he just took (being a total creep) what was on offer, without too much effort.

Do yourself a favor girls, and stop this low self esteem in its tracks. I'm not saying live like a saint. I'm saying have some self respect and only allow decent respectable guys who are worthy of you into your lives. Life is much too short for some of the garbage that is out there.

Don't be one of the good women who choose losers; remember, there are six billion people on the planet... There has to be 'one' decent one for you.

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