Russian Brides

вторник, 8 декабря 2009 г.

How to Attract Women - Flirting With a Woman to Create Attraction

One of the most overlooked and underused skills when it comes to creating attraction with a woman is the simple act of flirting with a woman. To know how to flirt with a woman the RIGHT way is like having a key that can unlock her emotions, her highs, and have them all fixated on YOU. This if course will make you more successful with any woman that you approach. Yet, for the vast majority of men, their flirting skills can definitely use a bit of polishing.

So, how can you attract women and use flirting as your leverage?

1. Become wise to what a woman reacts to when she is flirting with a man. Unless you take note of what really creates attraction when flirting with a woman, you are likely to use many hit or miss techniques and methods that actually do VERY little to make her feel the kind of attraction that she NEEDS to feel.

2. Be a little more spontaneous when flirting with a woman. The days of using pre-conceived lines to attract a woman are over, if they ever really did exist. Instead of throwing the same lines at her that every other man has probably tried in vain, you want to have a more spontaneous approach as this will make things seem seamless and more natural.

3. Work on making her lips crack a smile. When you can engage a woman and keep her smiling, hanging on your words, then you are on the right path or the right track. Don't lose your place, just keep building up with what already seems to be working with her.

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