Russian Brides

среда, 25 ноября 2009 г.

Does She Like Me? 2 Easy to Spot Indicators of Physical Interest

Learning how to get a girl to like you is a real battle because it requires an understanding of attraction and body language. Since women are subtle men often times do not notice the very subtle signals women give off to show their attraction for the man.

As a result you may have missed your small window of opportunity to get physical with the girl and instead you ended up in the dreaded friend zone. Sometimes you may get lucky and have a woman like you in a physical way almost instantly but even more important you must capitalize on the subtle hints she gives you if you want to achieve success. In this article I will outline two subtle hints you should pay close attention to because they will show you whether the woman is physically interested in you or not.

Eye contact

One sure fire way to figure out if the girl you want is physically interested in you is by using eye contact. If a girl is interested in you her pupils will dilate meaning the black part of the eye will become much bigger and she will make an effort to make constant eye contact with you. You must respond by giving extended eye contact back that should usually last six to eight seconds if you want to confirm your physical attraction for her as well.


Jealousy is an important factor if you want the woman to see whether she likes you or not. A great way to do this to mention that you talked to another girl and you might she was giving you signs of interest but you are not sure about her. If the woman reacts in a very emotional and angry way than she really likes you and wants to keep you for herself.

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