Russian Brides

среда, 25 ноября 2009 г.

Does She Really Like You? Here's How to Identify the Signs of Attraction

Do you ever wonder if a girl you are talking to might actually like you for real, or whether she only sees you as nothing but a casual friend? If you are having difficulties figuring out the true intentions of a girl, you need to know the contents of this article. Keep reading for 3 guaranteed ways to find out if a girl actually likes you or not. 3 little signs are all it takes.

Does She Really Like You? Here's How To Identify The Signs Of Attraction

Sign One: "Focused Eye Contact". If a girl likes you, she will maintain steady eye contact with you at all times, while laughing and smiling at things that you have to say.

On the flip side, if a girl's eyes always glaze over and she tends to look past your shoulder during your conversations, that would be an obvious sign that she is absolutely not interested in you. You need to do something special to truly capture a girl's interest and attention in this case. Keep reading to discover how you can do this.

Sign Two: "Flaunted Body Assets". If a girl likes you, she will flaunt any assets of her body that she can, so you will take more notice. She may even move closer to you subconsciously or completely face you with her entire body as you talk.

Now, on the other hand, if a girl faces the other direction, you are definitely in trouble.

Sign Three: "Hair Strokes". If a girl likes you, she will stroke her hair as she looks at you. The greatest female hair combination would involve playing with her hair, staring at you and facing you - all at the same time.

Now that you can tell whether a girl is into you, what should you do next? Make use of hypnosis, naturally. One tactic you should look into is known as fractionation and has the power to make girls fall for guys really fast - in just 15 minutes! Powerful stuff, even though it is very controversial, as well.

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