Russian Brides

среда, 25 ноября 2009 г.

Love & Dating - Attract a Lover by Organising Your Life

I have often thought that our subconscious minds sabotage our chances for finding love. Then I read Louise L Hay's You Can Heal Your Life. She talks about a woman who re-organised her life to find love. Have you got space in your life for love?

Some examples of subconscious sabotage:
Do you sleep in the middle of the bed?
Is there room in your closet for anyone else's clothes?
I once knew someone who parked in the middle of her double garage....
Do you have plans every night? Are you booked up every night for the next 6 months?

Here are my ideas on how you can re-arrange you life to make room for love and stop the subconscious sabotage. The first thing is to clear out your closets, make you room for someone else in your life. Next make a list of all the things you are currently doing that could be sabotaging your success in finding love. Then think of all the ways you can change these things. Is there space in your bathroom for another tooth brush? Is there space in your shower for someone else's toiletries?

The last item of sabotage here is the too busy to find love sabotage. Often when we don't want to think about something we make ourselves so busy that we don't have to think about it. Does this look like your schedule?

Monday Night - Pilates
Tuesday Night - Volunteering
Wednesday Night - Yoga
Thursday Night - Trivia Night
Friday - After Work Drinks with Colleagues
Saturday - Volunteering
Sunday Night - Netball

I don't think I could fit enough time for love into that schedule, on top of those items of course is working 9-5 Monday to Friday. Try to free 3 nights a week for dating. This will at least send a message to the universe that you do have time for love.

Sending you love,


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