Russian Brides

среда, 25 ноября 2009 г.

Tips to Keep a Boy Friend For Ever

Every girl wants to have at least a good friend with which she can share her joys and sorrows. It is also their biological and psychotically need. The bubble of having many boy friends is bursting because of the scare of aids and many other sexual diseases. Although sex is not a part of friendships yet it happens in most of the cases. So wise people adopt the policy of one good friend.

Most of the girls have to face the problem of keeping their boy friends in their hold. But after a certain period it becomes difficult for a girl and she starts feeling frustration. Sometimes she thinks that her boy friend is neglecting her and having friendship with another girl. Consequent situation is difficult to cope. She loses her appetite, sleep and joy. She is unable to solve the problem. Here are some good tips which can a girl to keep his boy friend always hovering around her. She can enjoy the life to maximum. Even other girls may feel jealous of her.

1. Don't Make a Boy Friend in a Hurry

The first step is to keep patience and don't be in a hurry to make a boy friend. Such hurried steps often cause heart-burns. Moreover, you may be exploited by a bad boy friend. The horrible experience may shatter your dreams or even career. Observe the boys whom you come in contact with. Step forward cautiously and go for the right one. His nature must be suitable to your temperament. He should be a nice and career-oriented boy.

2. Try to Give the Life Style He Wants

Most of the girls forget the life style his boy friend wants. They are more concerned with their own life styles. It is ok to live your own life style. After all you can't sacrifice your wishes for others. But when you have got a boy friend that is good for you then his life style must be understood too. You should help him in every way. And you will be surprised he will care for your feelings and wishes more.

3. Do Unique Things for Him

Don't be a boring girl friend. If you treat him like a robot he will start looking elsewhere after a gap of time. It is human nature. You can't change it. So use your mind and do unique things for him now and then. Give him surprises. For example, learn a recipe secretly and prepare a new dish for him when he least expects. Give him a thing he likes. You don't need to wait for special occasion like his birthday, new year, Christmas, etc. You may suddenly kiss him during unexpected hours. In fact it is difficult to give details of such things. You have to invent your own uniqueness according to your and your friend's' nature.

4. Give Him a Breathing Space

In the beginning period of friendship both boy and girl are curious and want to explore each other as much as they can. They want to be always with each other and show a tolerant attitude. But after some time the euphoria subsides and both of them need some breathing space. This phase must be understood by a girl. She should then try not to be on her boy friend's neck all the time. He may start avoiding her. After all he also needs to devote time to his study, career or family.

5. Control Your Nagging Habit

It is the biggest factor behind break-ups. A girl becomes nagging and adamant in her demands after a period. It irritates the boy friend. Friendship remains no more a thrill for him and he seems bored. Most of the girls don't understand it. Instead a girl starts thinking that her boy friend has changed and she curses him more. Consequences: tiffs, frustration, and then break-up

6. Share His Problems

Every human being has problems, thus you have your own too. Your boy friend mostly understands your problem and tries to solve them. Be wise to know that he too has his problems. Understand those problems and try to solve them. No boy leaves a girl friend that becomes his strength in life. So become his strength.

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